Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Stuck

I have had a horrible past couple weeks with painting. I feel like everything im doing is to messy and busy or i have done it before. I need some new ideas and its taking me a really long time to get inspired which is stressing me out. Any ideas on what things i should try or what things can get me out of this rut im in?


LHS AP 2-D said...

Dylan- Don't give up on these. I think they have potential. The have a great sense of depth, which has been lacking in some of your other work. Especially the white one. Keep working them. What's the worst that can happen? You end up disliking them.. already there!
Fight through this, I promise in the end it will be worth it.

Smile :)

LHS AP 2-D said...

Dylan- Don't give up on these. I think they have potential. The have a great sense of depth, which has been lacking in some of your other work. Especially the white one. Keep working them. What's the worst that can happen? You end up disliking them.. already there!
Fight through this, I promise in the end it will be worth it.

Smile :)

lhsap2MollyK said...

I agree, i think they both have a lot of potential. add some more layers to both of them.

lhsap2MollyK said...
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lhsap2kevinD said...

who knows...
try hidden images
cleaner lines to contrast it
rainbow colors

ya. theres my two cents, chica! i def think you should put faces in some.. but i pretty much only like portraits.